Elon Musk tells Rishi Sunak AI will render all jobs obsolete

Elon Musk tells Rishi Sunak AI will render all jobs obsolete

On my drive to the office this morning I nearly had to pull over.

I did not feel sick, nor did a spider fall on my lap as I lifted down the sun visor (this happened to a friend of mine that they drove into a wall).

"Elon Musk tells Rishi Sunak AI will render all jobs obsolete" I was listening Radio 5 Live. It blew my mind, and well before the coffee had kicked in.

The world we live in is picking up at a tremendous pace. The series Black Mirror just helped ease us in as a trailor. I personally find it more terrifying than exciting. The saddest part for me was where people would have an AI friend, that would learn emotional and social intelligence.

AI is great if it helps to complete mundane tasks for us, or aid us to excel our learning and ideas. Working in the realm of creativity and self expression in art is already being challenged. I need to do more reading to truly embrace its benefits beyond editing on Adobe Photoshop.

As we wear a poppy to remember those that served their country I wonder what they would make of the world we have evolved to. Lest we forget what they sacrificed to give us a fresh new canvas to work on.

We owe it to them to not f**k it up.

How do you think it will impact your job? How does it make you feel?

I'll be watching with popcorn in hand for now, until a bot can lift it to my face instead, and tuck me into bed at night whilst playing whale music into my ears and sorting the mountain of washing downstairs whilst I sleep.


Elon Musk tells Rishi Sunak AI will render all jobs obsolete - Financial Times


UK prime minister and billionaire entrepreneur exchange views at conclusion of global summit on the technology